Restaurant Review: Makimono

MakimonoRajie Kabli’s on the search for delicious Japanese food in the GTA. Here’s her take on Makimono in Pickering.

I had the pleasure of enjoying an All You Can Eat dinner at Makimono in Pickering. Conveniently located off the 401, it is one of Pickering’s best kept secrets. Authentic Japanese is hard to find in the city and having lived in Japan we know what “real sushi” tastes like. I’ve returned back from Japan a few months ago, and can honestly say I have tried many restaurants hoping to recreate some of the fun times I had on the tatami mats. More often than not, I have been disappointed. Luckily, Makimono has given me a new go-to Japanese restaurant that is not too far of a drive for us in the east end of the city.

This super spacious, stylish yet cozy restaurant was buzzing with people, even on a Tuesday night! Ambient jazz music playing in the background accompanied the bustling wait staff.

If you’re like me and can appreciate a good miso soup you will be happy to know Makimono’s was delicious. Overall the food was authentic, tasty and inventive. I really liked the fact they had items I would see on a menu in Japan and also added their own spin to some of the dishes. They had vegetarian options and fish not normally seen on affordable Japanese restaurant menus like butterfish and shitake rolls. Presentation was well executed and I could actually taste the freshness of the sushi.

MakimonoThis restaurant gets high praises for its aesthetic, cleanliness, interior design and of course food. However, the one issue I did have with Makimono was the inconsistency of the service. In one word, underwhelming. Feeling like a burden for the wait staff is not my idea of a good dining experience. Having to ask for the same item three times and eagerly dropping the plate of food on the table all counted against Makimono. But, the food was excellent and the menu was just delightful.

Don’t feel like AYCE (all you can eat)? Don’t worry, they also accommodate a la carte. Dinner between Monday to Thursday is $19.99 and Friday to Sunday $21.99. Although There are no private tatami rooms, they do have a nice area separated from the main dining space to accommodate private parties. I would recommend checking out Makimono if you’re craving some AUTHENTIC Japanese.

Check out their website here.

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