JETAA Toronto Annual General Meeting 2020

JETAA Toronto Annual General Meeting 2020

Come join us at JETAA Toronto’s Annual General Meeting to hang out with fellow JETAA members, grab a bite to eat and a drink, and catch up. We’ll review last year’s events, go over our budget, and brainstorm new ideas for the upcoming year and last but not least, we will vote on our 2020-2021 executive.


Whether you’re newly returned or not-so-newly returned, we’d love to see you there!


If you are interested in applying for a position, see below for a full list of positions with descriptions. If there are multiple candidates interested in a position, be prepared to give a brief statement about why you think you’d be a good fit for the role.


The AGM will be on Saturday, February 1st from 3:00pm to 6:00pm at The Wallace Gastropub, 1954 Yonge St, Toronto. We hope to see you there!


The following positions are open for the 2020-2021 year, which runs April-March. If you’re interested in applying a position and would like more information, please contact us at If you’re interested in running, be prepared to deliver a short platform speech as part of the voting process.


We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!


Available JETAA Executive Positions – 2020-2021:


  • Co-Chair (one of two positions)
  • Treasurer (one of two positions)
  • Secretary
  • Events Coordinator
  • Communications Coordinator
  • Conference Coordinator
  • Community Liaison
  • Website Coordinator
  • Membership Coordinator
  • Senpai Liaison
  • Senior Advisors

Position Descriptions:


Co-Chair (One Position, Two-Year Term):

  • Shares the JETAA Toronto Executive Committee with fellow Co-Chair;
  • Represents JETAA Toronto in the community;
  • Liaises with Consulate staff regarding JETAA activities;
  • Keeps abreast of JETAA International and National communications;
  • Maintains connections with Canadian JETAA chapters; and
  • Oversees the overall operations of JETAA Toronto.

Ideally these Co-Chair candidates will already have experience working on or with the JETAA Toronto Executive Committee


Treasurer (One Position, Two Year Term): 

  • Acts as appointed accounting and financial officer of JETAA Toronto with Co-Treasurer;
  • Sets and manages budgets based on funding from CLAIR;
  • Maintains financial accounts of the Association, including performing bank reconciliations;
  • Manages receipt and disbursement of funds;, including resolving outstanding cheques;
  • Provides funds spent to budget report for each meeting;
  • Submits budget proposals and necessary documentation to the Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto and CLAIR; and
  • Assists with booking Japanese lessons in the fall.

Secretary (One-Year Term):

  • Records the minutes of the monthly Executive meetings;
  • Distributes minutes to Executive members in a timely fashion;
  • Maintains electronic documents of minutes on shared group;
  • Schedules and communicates date and location of monthly Executive meeting; and

Events Coordinator (One-Year Term):

  • Responsible for organizing and overseeing monthly JETAA Toronto events, including the development of new events;
  • Works with Communications Coordinator for event promotion on social media (e.g. creating a FaceBook event and posting reminders), as well as promo articles in newsletter and on website;
  • Coordinates with executive members to assign events during the year;
  • Ensures events are advertised on a timely basis and that the Treasurer receives event receipts;
  • Works with predecessor to prepare annual event plan; and
  • Coordinates with the Community Liaison to promote JETAA Toronto events in other Japanese Organizations.

Communications Coordinator (One-Year Term):

  • Designs and produces JETAA Toronto’s digital newsletter 12 times a year and ad hoc;
  • Solicits articles and information from Alumni for use in the newsletters;
  • Sets deadlines for newsletter submissions are due;
  • Manages social media to provide an interactive experience for membership;
  • Works with with Website Coordinator and Events Coordinator to ensure accurate and timely information is provided to Alumni;
  • Ensures newsletter is being forwarded to the most up-to-date membership list available; and
  • Provides advice on new technology to help streamline newsletter and website flow of information.

Conference Coordinator (One-Year Term):

  • Coordinates Pre-Departure Orientation, Re-Entry Event, and Career Round Table;
  • Responsible for coordinating JETAA Canada’s National Conference (if applicable);
  • Works in conjunction with Culture & Education Programme Coordinator from the Consulate-General in a professional manner, keeping contact and responding promptly to emails;
  • Enlists volunteers from Executive and membership for each event/conference; and
  • Provides Communications and Website Coordinator with information to be added to newsletter/website.

Community Liaison (One-Year Term):

  • Provides Communications and Events Coordinator information about other Japanese organizations and events that are of interest to membership;
  • Attends quarterly Japan-Canada Network Organization (JCNO) meetings;
  • Reports on quarterly JCNO meetings to the executive;
  • Maintains contact with other organizations; and
  • Attends executive meeting of other organizations (if applicable).

Website Coordinator (One-Year Term):

  • Maintains the website as a vital tool for the JETAA Toronto community on a regular basis;
  • Reports on domain and hosting renewal requirements;
  • Manages the website’s content management system based on WordPress, and ensures Communications Coordinator has competency to update pages;
  • Coordinates with Communications and Events to ensure proper information is delivered to the website in a timely fashion; and
  • Provides technical knowledge to the rest of the Executive.

Membership Coordinator (One-Year Term):

  • On a weekly basis, screen and approve requests to join the Facebook group and LinkedIn;
  • Maintains the membership list;
  • Provides updates to Communications Coordinator to ensure updated email list is created and new members’ emails are added promptly;
  • Assists JETAA Toronto in establishing subchapter development in surrounding areas, providing support where needed; and
  • Coordinates with Communications to develop new ways attract members.

Senpai Liaison (One-Year Term):

  • Represents the interest of alumni who returned from JET 5 or more years ago and who are well established in their careers;
  • Develops event ideas that would appeal to senpai alumni in collaboration with Events Coordinator; and
  • Spearheads professional networking and Career development events in collaboration with other executives.

Senior Advisors (One-Year Term):

  • Promotes institutional memory, providing JETAA history and context for new exec members
  • Ideally the person elected to this role will have had at least three consecutive years of experience serving as part of a JETAA Executive Committee in Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, or Chair -level positions.

Support Roles (One-Year terms):


Support staff aid their respective coordinators with labour intensive-positions, such as conference, events, and communications. Joining the executive as support is the perfect way to learn more about a role from an experienced executive member.

All executive members are expected to run one event and participate in one conference during the year.see

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