Canada’s riskiest selfie spot you say? Scratch that, Hamilton’s riskiest spot… well I guess it’s okay then. See, we wouldn’t want to promote a venture out to the riskiest selfie spot in all of Canada. Wonder where that is? Kudos to whoever finds it out and posts it on our Facebook Group (sorry members only – not a member and a JETAA in Toronto? Hurry up and get in on the group, but shh… it’s a secret… don’t tell anyone or post it in a public… wait a minute).

But don’t worry! It isn’t just scenic precipices and precarious trails along the escarpment. The Dundas Peak trail is home to not one, but two of Hamilton’s most picturesque waterfalls.
Don’t let Hamilton’s old Steel City moniker fool you – it’s actually full of truly gorgeous natural scenes, drives and getaways. Tews Falls and Webster Falls along the stretch of the Bruce Peninsula Trail here are just a couple from a long list of places you ought to explore.

Here are all the good details on when this little hike is going to go down!
When: Saturday, July 27th, 2019
Where: Tews Falls Parking Lot
*It can be tricky to find parking so carpooling is highly encouraged.
Ticket Price: Free!
How to RSVP: Click “going” on Facebook and e-mail RSVP to
Who can come: JETAA, Japanese community members, Friends and Family of JETAA
Meeting Up for the Hike: Send a message to the event page or email on the morning so we can ensure we don’t head off without you!