Halloween Cosmic Cosplay Bowling



On All Hallow’s afternoon, somewhere north of Yonge & Finch, patrons of Newtonbrook Bowlerama were shocked to see a born again bible-thumper throwing down the strikes and spares alongside Chun Li, Snow White, the late Jacko (R.I.P.), Dr. Kevorkian, an anime princess and several cuddly critters. And then there was that housecoat-clad “Dude” who couldn’t seem to find the pins to save his white Russian-drinking life.


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PDOT 2010: The Best One Yet!



As these words hit the page, the latest crop of Toronto-area JETs have already finished Tokyo Orientation. They have arrived at their respective prefectures and are just settling in for their first night in their new homes.

This year’s departing JET crew was almost 60 strong and very genki! The group had an intensive three-day Pre-departure Orientation (PDOT) with Marcia Iwasaki and the Consulate General of Japan staff, Japan Foundation staff, 25 JETAA volunteers and 8 JAVA volunteers participating.


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