Annual General Meeting Report

Our AGM this year was a huge success!  It was wonderful to see newly returned JETs coming out and mingling with veteran alumni members. We had Nha-Thy Vo, a senior member of the JETAA Quebec/Atlantic team, join us. The meeting began with an overview of the various activities and events JETAA Toronto hosted during the 2011 year. The group discussed and voted in our new bylaws (which will be posted to the website shortly). The bylaws were passed with an overwhelming result of 87%.

The remaining part of the AGM was used to discuss and vote for the new representatives of the 2012 JETAA executive committee. The following are the results for the 2012 JETAA executive team:

Chair: Christopher Draenos

Vice-Chair: Jamiena Shah

Treasurer: Sonia Cheng

Treasurer Support: Julia Rozinowicz

Secretary: Eunice Leung

Events Coordinator: Hilda Solomon

Sports Coordinator: Afiavan Horne

Events Support: Xiaoqian Zhang

Events Support: Alissa Guerassimenko

Communications Coordinator: Nadine Bukhman

Website Coordinator: Hitoshi Murakami

Website/Communications Support: Vacant

Membership Coordinator: Zachary Nunes

Membership Support: Vacant

Conference Organizer: Janel Kulenkamp

Conference Support: Cindy Lam

Community Liaison: Natalie Bay

There are still support positions available on the executive!  If you are interested in getting involved with JETAA, please contact Chris at  for further details.  Congratulations to those elected and a huge thank you to all who came out!

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